Visual |
- The use of yourself and your body movements
- Utilising the visual display opportunities above eye level within the room
- Video, OHP, slides, flip chart, coloured board markers or chalks
- Lively and engaging textbooks
- Memory-mapping, collage and visual note-taking tools
- Keywords displayed around the room
Auditory |
- Paired and group discussions, group reviews
- Guest speakers
- Mini-debates
- Raps, rhyme, chants & verse, dramatic readings
- Tape, sound-bites
- Mnemonics, onomatopoeia
- Music for energising, relaxing, visualising and review
Kinaesthetic |
- Body sculpture, mime
- Gestures or movements learned to demonstrate a concept
- Break-state activities
- Design and build activities
- Field trips and visits
- Physical movement -eg., Brownian Motion illustrated by students bumping together in a confined space; maps drawn on hard play areas to help learn countries and trade routes