The educational supervision interview
Criteria used by the RCGP for assessing educational supervisors reports
Not acceptable | Acceptable |
The basis for judgements is not clear, i.e. they are not referenced to the evidence. ie they are not linked to evidence or there is a substantial lack of evidence to support the judgments made by the educational supervisor. | Judgements are generally referenced to the available evidence |
Where the judgements can be evaluated, they do not appear to be justifiable. ie where evidence has been cited for any judgments, the accuracy or robustness of the linked evidence is questionable. | Judgements appear to be justifiable |
No comment is made on the current state and the progression of competence. ie there are gaps in the content of the report or a current ESR is absent. |
· The current state and the progression of competence are made clear · Suggestions for trainee development are routinely made and appear to be appropriate |
Suggestions for trainee development are inadequate in number and/or quality. ie constructive suggestions for how the candidate might progress are lacking. |
10 Point Guide to Completing an Educational Supervisor Report on the E-Portfolio