- How did you develop your PPDP?
- How did you assess the practice educational needs?
- What needs did you identify?
- What activities do you plan to address those needs?
- What personal development plan issues are contained within the PPDP?
- How are you going to use your PHCT as a learning organisation?
- Cultural change
- Lifelong learning
- Learning to learn together
- Shared beliefs, attitudes, values, norms of behaviour
- Issues are understood and valued, thinking nurtured, aspiration allowed
- Continual transformation (change)
- Communication
- Teamwork and team support
- Learning together within the workplace (experiential learning then sharing)
- Individual and team learning
- Reflective rather than bureaucratic
- Active encouragement
- Embraces change and risk-taking
- Openness/trust/honesty
- No blame/shame
- Protected time
- Responsive to patient needs
- What do you need to develop the process?
- Mentorship
- Assessment of educational needs
- Appraisal
- Feedback
- Training
- Team involvement
- IT
- Chronic disease review
- Successes
- Challenges
- Review
- Are there any special characteristics of the practice that hinder or help the PPDP process?
- How do you make this process include the needs of the individuals in the PHCT?
- What would the practice like to change?
- What have you learned as a practice from the PPDP process?
- What next?