More than x repeat prescriptions

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How can we run an audit to find out how may patients we have who are on more than 4 repeat prescriptions?

This is now a standard example report in Synergy using thesecond approach from Bradley’s site: customexamplesmedicatmultauth

steps to add this to S6:

create this query

Title “Find all current repeats for GMS patients” Report for each Authorisation where Authorisation.Auth_Type = “Repeat” and Authorisation.Last_Issued_Date > -2Y and Authorisation.Current_Auth_Flag = True and ( Authorisation.Number_Outstanding > 0 or Authorisation.End_Date > TODAY ) with Patient where Patient.Registration_Type = “Full GMS” sort by Authorisation.Patient_Id, Authorisation.Surname, Authorisation.Forename_1 ;

add this format

Note freq. N or more (N set in report free text), frequenf.fp

put “4” in report free text (edit report, advanced, don’t type the actual “‘s) and run it (preview).

LogoRik Smithies: endspan

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