- F1 and F2 – Foundation year 1 (F1) and Foundation year 2 (F2) make up the two-year Foundation programme which all UK medical graduates are required to undertake before progressing to specialty or GP training.
- ST 1 – the first year of a GP specialist training program
- ST2 – the second year of a GP specialist training program
- ST3 – the third year of a GP specialist training program
- ITP – integrated training post. This is a post usually based in primary care with in-reach to appropriate parts of a hospital job.
- CCT – certificate of completion of training
- Clinical Supervisor – The Clinical educator responsible for teaching and supervising the GPR in training in the individual attachment This may be a hospital clinical supervisor when the GPR is in a hospital attachment and a GP trainer when in General Practice.
- Educational Supervisor – The Clinical educator responsible for making sure a learner receives appropriate training and experience, and their progress through the full three-year training programme
- Assessments WPBA (workplace-based assessment)
- e-portfolio An electronic record of specialist training, updated and accessible through the internet, it records details of achievement in the AKT and CSA and documents all stages of training, records evidence of WPBA, ‘reviews with educational supervisors and the subsequent development as a General Practitioner.
- MRCGP Enhanced trainers record – record of assessments held by the learner as part of the e-portfolio but the trainer may want to keep a copy.
- This contains the assessment tools that need to be collected during the training scheme
- Case-Based Discussion (CbD) – a structured interview designed to explore professional judgement exercised in clinical cases that have been selected and presented by the trainee. Usually, this will be used 20 times in a 3-year program. (12 in ST3 in 2007-08)
- COT – consultation observation tool. This is designed to be used by trainers as an evidence collecting instrument. It takes its basis from the summative assessment/MRCGP video assessment. This will usually be used 4 times in ST3 (12 in ST3 2007 – 08)
- DOPs – Direct Observation of Procedural Skills. These will be carried out during ST I and ST2 years but also in ST3 as appropriate.
- Multi-source Feedback (GP-SPRAT) – this in an externally applied assessment and is used three times during a 3-year program. (twice in ST3 2007-08)
- Mini CEX – Mini-Clinical Evaluation eXercise is a 15-minute snapshot of doctor/patient interaction. It is designed to assess the clinical skills attitudes and behaviours of trainees. This is used in foundation years and ST1 and ST2.
- PSQ – the patient satisfaction questionnaire. This will be carried out at least twice in a 3-year program. Examination based assessments
- AKT – applied knowledge test. This is an external assessment and is mainly knowledge-based
- CSA – Clinical skills assessment. This is an externally applied assessment. The CSA is ‘an assessment of a doctor’s ability to integrate and apply clinical, professional, communication and practical skills appropriate for general practice’. Role-players will act as patients with evaluation by experienced assessors.