- [100] Death of spouse
- [ 29] Change in work responsibility
- [ 73] Divorce
- [ 29] Son/daughter leaving home
- [ 71] Giving up hard drugs
- [ 29] Trouble with inlaws
- [ 65] Marital separation
- [ 28] Outstanding personal
- [ 63] Prison sentence achievement
- [ 63] Death of close family member
- [ 26] Wife begins/stops work
- [ 53] Personal illness or injury
- [ 26] Children start/stop school
- [ 50] Marriage
- [ 25] Change in living conditions
- [ 47] Sacked/made redundant
- [ 24] Revised personal habits
- [ 45] Marital reconciliation
- [ 23] Trouble with boss
- [ 45] Retirement
- [ 21] Giving up smoking fewer than 40 a day
- [ 44] Change in family members health
- [ 20] Change in working hours or conditions
- [ 40] Pregnancy
- [ 40] Giving up 40+ fags/day
- [ 20] Change in residence
- [ 39] Sex difficulties
- [ 20] Change school
- [ 39] Addition to the family
- [ 19] Change recreation
- [ 39] Business readjustment
- [ 19] Change church activity
- [ 38] Change in financial state
- [ 18] Change social activity
- [ 37] Death of close friend
- [ 17] Mortgage or loan under £20,000
- [ 36] Change to new line of work
- [ 16] Change in sleeping habits
- [ 35] Change in number of arguments with spouse
- [ 15] Change in number of family get-togethers
- [ 31] Foreclosure of mortgage or loan
- [ 15] Change in eating habits
- [ 13] Holiday
- [ 30] Mortgage over £20,000
- [ 12] Christmas
- [ 11] Minor law violations