Depression Attitude Questionnaire



These scores relate to how GP’s and psychiatrists felt about the questionnaire statements (on a score of 0-100)

Question GP score Psychiatrist score
1 Biochemical abnormality is the basis of severe depression. 67 75
2 It is difficult to know if patients are unhappy or have a clinical depressive disorder needing treatment. 46 35
3 People with poor stamina deal with life problems by becoming depressed. 35 22
4 I feel comfortable dealing with a depressed patient’s needs. 61 78
5 Depression is a patient response which cannot be changed. 30 14
6 Becoming depressed is part of being old 22 14
7 Working with depressed patients is heavy going. 71 45
8 There is little to offer depressed patients who do not respond to what GP’s do 30 9
9 It is rewarding to look after depressed patients. 56 82
10 Psychotherapy tends to be unsuccessful with depressed patients. 44 27
11 Depressed patients needing antidepressants are better off with a psychiatrist than a GP. 17 35
12 Antidepressant treatment in general practice usually produces a satisfactory result. 70 60
13 If psychotherapy was freely available, it would be more beneficial than antidepressants for most patients. 52 22


  • General Practitioners and depression – first use of the depression attitude questionnaire: Int Jour Med Psych Res 1992 2: 169-180
  • General practitioners and psychiatrists: comparison of attitudes to depression using the depression attitude questionnaire: BJGP 1995 45 89-92
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