This is not comprehensive or exclusive. Some of the books may be out of print but should be available in your practice library. If you have other suggestions to add, please pass them on to the VTS office.
The Consultation/ Communication Skills
- Skills for Communicating with patients. Draper J at al; Radcliffe Medical Press
- Teaching and learning communication skills. Draper J at al; Radcliffe Medical Press
- Six minutes for the patient; Balint and Norrell; Tavistock
- Doctors talking to patients; Byrne and Long; HMSO
- The Consultation: an approach to learning and teaching; Pendleton et al Oxford OUP
- The Inner Consultation. Neighbour R Klumer
- The naked consultation. Moulton
General Practice
- Clinical Method – A GP approach. Robin Fraser; Butterworth, Heinman
- Handbook of Emergencies in General Practice; Lawrence et al
- Doctors, dilemmas, decisions. Ben Essex; BMJ Publications
- Teamwork for primary and shared care P&J Pritchard; Oxford Medical Publications
- Making sense of audit. D&S Irvine; Radcliffe Medical Press
- Medical audit and general practice. ed. M. Marinker; BMJ Publishing
- The Condensed Curriculum Guide. Field
Practice management
- Making sense of the Red Book. Norman Ellis; Radcliffe Medical Press
- Making Sense of Practice Finance. John Dean; Radcliffe Medical Press
- The one minute manager. Blanchard and Johnson; Harper Collins
General Clinical
- British National Formulary
- Oxford Textbook of Medicine; OxfordUniversityPress
- Oxford Handbooks – Clinical Medicine;OxfordUniversityPress
- Operative surgery; OxfordUniversity Press
- ClinicalEpidemiology. Sackett et al ; Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Evidence Based Medicine
- Clinical Evidence. BMJ
- Evidence-based medicine. Sackett et al; Churchill Livingstone
- How to Read a Paper. Tricia Greenhaugh; BMJ Publications
- An Introduction to Medical Statistics. Martin Bland; OxfordUniversityPress
Specialist areas
- ABC of Dermatology. PK Buxton BMJ Publishing
- Child Surveillance Handbook. Hall et al Radcliffe Medical Press
- Textbook of Paediatrics. Nelson
- Clinical ENT – an illustrated textbook; O’Donaghue
- Joint and soft tissue injections . revor Silver; Radcliffe Medical Press
- Immunisation against infectious disease; Stationery Office Books
- Health information for overseas travel; Department of Health
- Oxfordhandbooks – Women’s Health Ann McPherson Oxford University Press
- Community-based maternity care. Geoffrey Marsh et al; Oxford University Press
- Contraception Today. John Guillebaud; Martin Dunitz
- Contraception: Your questions answered. John Guillebaud; Churchill Livingstone
- CriticalReadingQuestions for MRCGP. Stacey E, Toun; BIOS Scientific Publishers
- Notes for MRCGP. Palmer KT; Blackwell Science
- Case presentations and MCQs for the MRCGP. Chuh A; Churchill Livingstone
- Preparation and revision for the DRCOG. Chapman et al; Churchill Livingstone
- Mentoring reading list
Journals / other publications
- Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin
- British Journal of General Practice
- DVLA – fitness to drive regulations
Favourite websites
- Google Mosthighly recommended search engine
- BMJ Articles, jobs, courses, links
- RCGP Loads of information, links
- Free E mail, search facilities (GMC no. required )
- Bandolier Evidence-based medical reports
- UK practice Medical information and educational material