Small Groups – theory

Variables affecting group behaviour

  • Group structure
  • Roles
      • group task roles
      • group maintenance roles
      • self
      • centred roles
      • role conflict
      • role influence
  • Group cohesiveness
  • Group size

Problem solving

  • Define the problem
  • Limit it
  • Analyse it
  • Establish criteria
  • Suggest possible solutions
  • Check solutions against criteria
  • Implement the solutions
  • Evaluate success of solution

Leadership needs

  • Task needs
    • Diagnosing the situation and proposing action
    • Seeking information
    • Stimulating action
    • Avoiding crisis
  • Maintenance needs
        • Climate-making
        • Regulating discussion
        • Stimulating individual involvement
        • Resolving conflict
              • Task conflict
              • Interpersonal conflict
              • Procedural conflict
  • Guidance needs


  • Find the problem
  • Work out plot and characters
  • Assign members to roles


  • Hearing
  • Understanding
  • Remembering

Group stages

Forming > storming > norming > performing

——> trust and risk——->

FRAGMENTATION | | flight | PARALYSIS | | fear | REGRESSION | | frustration (conflict) | SOCIAL INTERACTION | | inclusion | SAFETY | | control, leadership and authority challenges | EXPLORATION | | affection, trust | MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING

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