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Step | Action | Notes |
Patient sees doctor at surgery with problem requiring minor surgery. | Enter the appropriate current problem for the diagnosis. | This may be a vague [D] code. When performing minor surgery use WCS minor surgery Sophie. |
Minor surgery performed in Casualty. | Take top copy of casualty card and pass to practice manager. | Computer record updated appropriately using Read code .987C Minor surgery (only to be used for hospital procedures) and casualty card filed by Sheila to await histology report and payment claim. |
Patient sees doctor for minor surgical procedure. |
Minor surgery read code terms are:
These codes can be accessed via the […] button on the read code entry box of Synergy. |
Histology result received. |
Safety net | Sheila collates all histology results with monthly histology report:
List to Sheila for histology check. |
Minor surgery claims |
Hospital claims for minor surgery monthly by Sheila. |