Child health: immunisations


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Step Action Notes
Child registers
  • Enter new current problem .**** Immunisations
Patient sees nurse or health visitor in immunisation clinic. Dr or HV completes immunisation information on appointment list and passes to Anne. Note DNA’s on appointment list: any read codes, clinical notes and prescriptions should be recorded also.
Computer updated
2 months .65M7 .65J1
3 months .65M8 .65J2
4 months .65M9 .65J3
13 months .65M1
4 years .65J4
Answer any appropriate .@!F1 Child immunisation due reminder.
If child does not attend appointment Add reminder @!F1 Child immunisation due in Immunisations problem

Call and recall

  • From Tweedmouth clinic
    • Primary immunisations: arranged directly by health visitor and monitored via health vistors’ Birth Book. Defaulters are sent three (different) letters by post and are visited at home by the health vistor if still not attended.
    • 4-year immunisation: arranged by Tweedmouth Clinic, together with 4-year check. Defaulters are sent three (different) letters by post and are visited at home by the health vistor if still not attended.
  • Patients who move into the area: the report schedule produces a monthly list of new children aged under 6 which is passed to the health visitors, who collect information on previous immunisation and developmental assessment and pass this information back to Anne.
  • The report schedule produces a quarterly audit of those children where data is missing for routine checks or immunisations.
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