I WAS WORKING LAST WEEK WHEN I HAD A REALLY GOOD IDEA about how I could work better and use my time more effectively. I would need some help to make it happen.
Our line manager always encourages us to talk to her about ideas, and last time I had a good one, we discussed it and things changed. So, I went to find her. She was really busy, so she arranged a time later that afternoon when we could sit down together in private for 10 minutes. I described my idea and she was really keen. She asked me to write it in the ideas book in the office, and we would discuss it as a team that Friday at the half-hour weekly meeting. There were already two other ideas for that week in the book and it was only Tuesday! Funny, but I was excited about sharing it on Friday. I knew everyone would take it seriously, whatever happened. So, when it was my turn, I described it. Almost everyone was keen to try it, so our line manager said she’d look into it. It needed some computer tweaking to make it happen. It’s Tuesday now, and I’ve just had an email to say I can give it a go. I really feel I can make a difference. While I’ve been writing this, something else has just occurred to me. I wonder if that could work. |
about how I could work better and use my time more effectively. I would need some help to make it happen. Our line manager isn’t always keen to hear other people’s ideas. I think she prefers to have them herself or be told what to do by the bosses. I’ve heard comments in front of everyone in the office like “who does she think she is?” and “we’re paid to work, not to think”. So, that makes me a bit scared to say anything. Sometimes it’s easier to keep your head down. I discussed it with Hazel on the next desk. She said last time shed tried to discuss it, she was told “What makes you think your ideas will work? You’ve only worked here for a year. You’ll be after my job, if I turn my back.” But it is a really good idea. So, I went to find her. She was really busy, and said “Well, what is it?” So, I described my idea, quickly and quietly, as I had no idea if I would be laughed at. She seemed to listen, and said she’d think about it when she had time. That’s a week ago. I’ve heard nothing. While I’ve been writing this, something else has just occurred to me. I think I’ll keep it to myself… |