An example of team development and personal development planning
Recording the professional development plan
- Practice lead person
- Structured tools
- Semi-structured interview with a lead partner?
- A timetable for learning
- Review period of 1 year?
- Identify development processes that have not been recorded
- Co-mentoring
- Information-gathering questionnaire or system
- P2D2
- Awayday
- Development of a portfolio
- A mechanism to record the gaps
- Job description
- Audit data
- External organisations
- Complaints
- Patient groups
- Define need
- SMART (Specific Measurable Achievable Reproducible Time-based)
- Short term
- Longer-term
- Proforma of what should be going on in a practice: this is QPA/FBA/Kings Fund
- Not necessarily a medical mentor
- “This feels uncomfortable therefore I will talk about it”
- Personal professional learning plans – an evaluation of mentoring and co-tutoring in General practice Nibble, A, Berrington, Education for general practice; 1998,9,216-221
- Self-directed learning in general practice Burrows, P Education for general practice, 1998, 9, 1-5
- Self-directed learning for GPs Spencer-Jones, R, editor Education for general practice suppl, 1998,9,497-556
- Meeting educational needs in general practice PUNS and DENS Eve, RCME3(2) appendix
- Learning objectives in general practice -identification of wants and needs Pitts, J White, P Education for general practice, 1994, 5, 59-65
- A learning plan format for use in continuing medical education Temple, J Education for general practice, 1994, 5, 225-340
- Personal professional learning plans -an evaluation of mentoring and co-tutoring in general practice Hibble, A Berrington, R Education for general practice,.1998, 9, 165-290
- Individual educational plans for GPs Hedley, R Education for general practice, 7, 1-93