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Step Action Notes
Patient sees doctor or nurse. Enter new current problem .61 Contraception if not already existing. All notes relating to contraception should be added here eg: appropriate BP, weight, urine tests.
General contraception (not IUCD’s)
  • No reminders necessary
  •  Patients should be reviewed annually, prescriptions are usually given for up to 1 year as acutes only, repeat prescriptions for the OCP are not used.
Use sophie wcs contraception.gdl.
  • If IUCD fitted, set reminder .@!E3 IUCD change due for 5 years.
  • Set reminder .@!E2 IUCD check due for 12 months with 1m before only.
Use sophie wcs contraception.gdl.
Non-contraceptive pill prescribing Use .614A OCP for non-contraceptive use. This allows a report to pick out patients where 1001 claims would not be valid.
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