Action pack for giving and receiving feedback

This pack explores tutorial feedback and how it can relate to both curriculum development and end-point appraisal. It contains examples of the forms used by one practice with a registrar attached to them for four months.

In this scenario, each teaching session lasts two hours. Of this about half an hour is devoted to “housekeeping”. This involves an exploration of any problematical cases or situations the registrar has seen since the last teaching session which have not been dealt with immediately. About an hour is then devoted to the set topic. Half an hour is allocated at the end for both trainer and registrar to wind down and reflect upon the teaching session prior to evening surgery. When the problematical cases raise serious issues, the trainer and registrar often agree to suspend the set topic, and devote the time to the problem presented. The feedback sheets chosen for this example, relate to just such a situation, where what the registrar thought was a simple question about terminal care revealed to the trainer a need for a deeper study of the subject.

The best forms to use are those developed by the practice and which all those involved in the teaching find easy to use. However they are designed, experience suggests that they are more likely to be used if valued by both trainer and registrar. They have many more uses than just educo-legal…..


  1. Blank tutorial record form
  2. Blank tutorial feedback form
  3. Record of one seminar
  4. Feedback form from that seminar
  5. The results of the mid-attachment review of the curriculum and the forms from the tutorials
  6. The structure used for the final tutorial, with the results of the final review of the forms

NVTS action pack for giving and receiving feedback

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