Focus on the positive – what you talk about you are reinforcing – where possible give positive feedback first and last.
Be descriptive, not evaluative.
Talk about the specific behaviour and give an example where possible.
Use an “I” statements.
Where feedback is negative suggest alternatives where appropriate. Ask yourself – Why am I giving this feedback? For me? Or to help the person concerned?
Remember feedback says at least as much about the giver as the receiver.
It is normally useful to give negative feedback only about things that can be changed.
Give feedback as soon after the event as possible.
Give feedback only when asked to do so, or when your offer of feedback is accepted.
Guidelines for Receiving Feedback
Listen to feedback.
Assume that feedback is constructive.
Use and consider only those elements which are constructive, and consider them carefully.
Pause and think before responding.
Ask to repeat if you havent heard clearly.
Ask for clarification or examples if statements are unclear or unsupported.
Accept negative and positive feedback positively for consideration, rather than dismissively for your protection.
Ask for suggestions of ways you might modify or change your behaviour.
Respect the person giving feedback, and thank them.