This section gives some background on the development of GP appraisal. The information here relates to the golden age of formative GP appraisal.
Information, links and tools for appraisal
- Significant event analysis proforma
- An alternative significant event analysis proforma (Nick Cowan)
- NELG toolkit for non-principals
- British Medical Association Appraisal: a guide for medical practitioners
- Appraisal facilitation tool for appraise
- Suggested criteria for PDP
- Looking at the PDP
- TACT practice professional development plan form 2004-7 (3-year plan)
- PDP guidance for appraisers
- Appraisal (1996)
- Appraisal (CPCR 1998)
- GMC Good Medical Practice document
- Some notes and guidance on producing your first PDP and preparing for annual appraisa
- The appraisal interview – notes for the appraiser
- Introducing challenge into appraisal
- Reflective learning and learning styles
- The process of reflective learning
- Learning styles
- Learning styles, Kolb and the LSQ
- The developmental cycle – a useful selection of questions for appraisers and appraisees
- Critical incidents and significant events
- What makes a good form 4?
- What makes a good PDP?
- Multi-source feedback
- Probity
- Health
- GP Appraisal e-group
- BMJ Learning
- Teams and Teamwork Resources at Questia – The Online Library of Books and Journals
- – free data collection software for PDPs, appraisals etc