

  • “I’m depressed”
        • Not coping
        • Sad/unhappy
        • Tired
        • Depressed
  • Visual cues
  • Somatic symptoms
  • Cry for help/suicide
  • Proxy consultations/tickets of admission
  • Biological
        • Weight change
        • Sleep disorder
        • Appetite change
        • Concentration
        • Diurnal variation
        • Labile mood


  • Prevalence
  • Pharmacology – neurotransmitters
  • “You’re not going mad”

Drug treatment

  • Duration
  • Doctor as drug
  • Side effects


  • Ventilation of feelings
  • Coping strategies
  • Problems of daily living
  • Specific problems
        1. Problems which are solvable by a specific course of action
        2. Problems which are not solvable but which will resolve themselves after time or events outwith patient’s control
        3. Problems which are insoluble by any means and therefore patient must come to terms with them
  • Homework
  • Control: let patient choose the most important problem to tackle first

Depression attitude questionnaire

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