Child Protection


Maltreatment is the biggest cause of morbidity in children (the adults in prison/mental health care are the walking wounded of the effects of child maltreatment)

  • Normalising of the process by professionals (what we tend to expect from our previous experiences)
  • Denial by professionals
  • Professional communication and training
  • Information sharing
  • Accurate information

 For discussion

  • What to say if you suspect abuse
  • What to do if you suspect abuse
  • Changes in the story of the injury
  • Confidentiality
  • Child protection case conferences
        • Collusion
        • The “secret” conference
  • “Significant harm” which may require direct intervention in the life of the family
  • Neglect
  • Societal attitudes
        • Physical punishment
        • Domestic violence
        • Unemployment
        • Lack of resources for victims
        • Middle-class failure to thrive
  • Parental vulnerability eg mental health, drug misuse
  • Child vulnerability eg disability
  • Resilience – by intelligence, sense of humour, having something important


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