3-minute Neurological Examination

The 3-minute neurological examination has been designed by neurologists to exclude sinister causes of headache including brain tumour and haemorrhage. The brief neurological examination is suitable for patients whose history suggests migraine or tension-type headaches.

Examination Notes
1 Romberg’s test Patient falling with eyes closed.
2 Tandem gait test Heel-to-toe walking.
3 Walking on heels Tests pyramidal tract.
4 Drift of outstretched arms Tests pyramidal tract.
5 Finger-nose test Tests coordination.
6 Fine finger movements Tests pyramidal and extrapyramidal tracts.
7 Hand tapping Cerebellar and brainstem disease.
8 Visual fields to confrontation
9 Eye movements
10 Face and tongue movements
11 Fundoscopy
12 Reflexes


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