What makes a good tutorial?



  • Protected time — planning and tutorial
  • Finding areas
    • Core list
    • Knowledge checks — checklists, PEP, MCQ
    • Hot topics
    • => agreeing needs
  • Agreeing method: formal tutorial may not always be the best approach
    • Hot topics
    • Joint surgery
    • HDR course
    • Peer discussion          ….etc.
  • Set aims / objectives (maximum 4-5) – reflect Registrar’s needs and Trainer’s agenda


  • Tailored to Registrar’s learning style
  • Dependent on Registrar’s knowledge and experience
  • Get the Registrar to do the groundwork
  • Use educational tools
    • Videos
    • Books and booklets
    • Papers and articles
  • Giving the tutorial direction – link to experience
  • Maintaining interest
    • Interact
    • Open-ended questions Give time
    • Vary content
  • Baggage section


Specific and descriptive — 2 way

  • Achieving aims and objectives What went well? What could have gone better?
  • Was time properly protected?
  • Enjoyment
  • Future Learning Needs

Short and long term follow up: putting learning into practice

Written record of tutorial for Registrar and Trainer – eportfolio

Feedback not necessarily at end of tutorial

Traditional and behavioural models of the tutorial


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