section 2 (answers)

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His parkinsonism gradually worsens over the years – whatproblems might you expect to arise?

  • Disease process
  • Medication
  • Psychological
  • Social
  • tremor
  • on-off
  • immobility > bedsores
  • freezing
  • rigidity > contracutres
  • dystonia
  • feeding problems
  • confusion
  • toileting problems
  • GI effects
  • (memory loss)
  • constipation
  • incontinence

What support might you offer his wife at this stage?

  • Care Care for the Carers
  • District Nurse/PN
  • Doctor
  • PHCT
  • Parkinsons Society
  • Bath attendant
  • Home Help
  • Respite care – hospital
  • MOW
  • Part III
  • Day care/hospital
  • Physio
  • Charity/helpers
  • OT
  • SS
  • CPN
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