section 1 (answers)

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Mr. Johnson is prompted by his wife to attend your surgery. He is an infrequent attender and his wife feels he requires a check-up now that he is aged 50. He attends by himself.

He has no significant PMH, drinks 40units/week of alcohol, is overweight and takes little exercise. He has never smoked.

He enquires about whether he needs his cholesterol checked.

  1. Is there any other information you would ask about?

    • Diet – poor (excessive, fatty foods)

    • Blood pressure 130/84 mmHg

    • No FHx of CHD

    • BMI 32

  2. What advice would you give?

    • Reduce alcohol intake to 14 units/week

    • Lose weight by taking exercise and improving diet

  3. Would you check his cholesterol and if so why?

    • Yes, for QRISK2 calculation, ensure no familial hypercholesterolaemia
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