Change questions


1 Where are we now?
  • past experiences
  • personal position
  • defining the problem
3 How do we get there?
  • securing a mandate
  • clarifying resources
  • problems
  • helping factors
  • monitor change
2 Where do we want to go?
  • goals of self } consensus
  • goals of others }
  • ownership of ideas
  • strategy
  • timescale
4 How do we know when we’ve got there?
  • what’s the endpoint?
  • learning from doing

5 Proposing a change
  • Purpose
  • Outcome
  • Small changes which need to be made as a result
  • “Tools”
  • Protagonists
  • Antagonists
  • Problems
  • Long term implications of change
6 “Tools”
  • Setting up arguments on a 1-to-1 basis
  • Knowing where you stand
  • Implementing small changes so bigger changes fit in better
  • Do it yourself first
  • Personal attributes: Credibility/status/powerbase
  • Marketing: Give advantages to each group member
  • Rate of change: Stepped or sudden?
  • Factual “handout”
  • Meetings
  • Ownership: Recognition of skills within group
  • Prepare properly: Communicate


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