Synergy Sophies

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These Sophies are designed for use on a practice installation ofSynergy, according to current >practiceprotocols. Many use Form Sophies, a development in the use of Sophie templates.

Sophies available in theSynergy Sophies zip file

  • Templates for commonly used actions

  • Atrial fibrillation

  • Asthma review

  • Back pain

  • Birth details and feeding

  • Chest infection

  • CNS examination

  • Contraception

  • Diabetes doctor review

  • ECG report

  • Elderly screening

  • Epilepsy

  • Exacerbation of asthma

  • Flu vaccination

  • Gout

  • HRT

  • Hypertension (including patient leaflet)

  • Insurance medical

  • IPSS score

  • Lipids

  • LV systolic dysfunction

  • Mental test score

  • NEW! Minor illness form Sophie

  • Minor surgery

  • MOT

  • NSF (including patient leaflet)

  • Pregnancy care

  • Raised BP

  • Rectal bleeding

  • Respiratory function

  • Smears

  • Smoking cessation

  • SOAP recording of the consultation

  • Urine testing

  • UTI

Synergy Sophie download

Zipfile of sample Sophies. Please note that these Sophies use 5-byte Read codes and most can only be used in Torex Synergy.

Other Synergy downloads are available here

Some of these Sophies are verycomplex and therefore are difficult to completely check for errors. Pleaseensure that the Sophies operate as you wish. No responsibility can be taken bythe author for errors occurring by the use of these Sophies – they are placed inthe public domain for “information only”.

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