IT security


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IT responsibility

  • BNC
  • Stephen

The IT security document is kept by Stephen. This details hardwarespecifications, licences, software, etc.

Password access

  • Maximum password age: expires in 30 days
  • Minimum password age: allows changes immediately
  • Minimum password length: at least 6 characters including at least one numeric character
  • Password uniqueness: password can never be reused
  • Account lock out after 5 bad logon attempts


Day Backup type Tape Swapped and placed in the fire safe
Friday Full Tape removed off site
Saturday Full (Miquest)
Sunday Full (overwritten) (S6gofast)
Monday Full Yes
Tuesday Full Yes
Wednesday Full Yes
Thursday Full Yes

NT server backed up weekly.

Details of tapes

10 tapes will need to be kept and used in rotation. Each tape must be usedfor a maximum of 30 writes before it is changed. The tapes should be marked asfollows:

4 Tapes for weekday use: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
2 Tapes for bi-weekly Friday backup: Friday1, Friday2

Files to backed up

Full Backup

  • Clinical Systems Supplier:
  • Practice Controlled Files:

System restrictions

Program installation, root access, Synergy admin access and NT servermanagement admin access limited to

  • Service and software engineers
  • Stephen
  • BNC

Different user group profiles have access to the Synergy clinical systemfunctionality on the basis of need.

Data Protection Act

The practice is registered under the Data Protection Act

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