Ideas and possibilities for education in training practices


Group 1

  • Make it fun
  • Use of partners’ homes as a basis for teaching
  • Swapping surgeries with principal
  • Modified essay scenarios eg sudden death
  • Review of sick notes, prescriptions etc
  • Education diary
  • Check list/grid
  • Swapping of practices
  • Chronic care and new discharges from hospital

Group 2

  • Use of protected time
  • Needs assessment analysis
  • Opportunistic teaching
  • Use of teaching material including multimedia technology

Group 3

  • Introductory pack including how to use the computer
  • Hot spot tutorials at early stage eg on sudden death
  • Sitting in waiting room and reception
  • Task list eg what emergency equipment is in surgery
  • Review of notes
  • Sitting in surgeries at beginning and end of year
  • Revisiting topics in tutorials
  • Folder of useful forms
  • Visiting another training practice and working in tandem with another registrar

Group 4

  • Journal, book, or notes of interest as basis for tutorial
  • Reviewing non medical literature
  • Don’t bring patient back in less than 7 days or more than 4!
  • Use of mnemonic
  • Mind mapping

Group 5

  • Learning style analysis and learning cycle
  • Learning log
  • Role model
  • Use of coffee break
  • Critical incident analysis
  • Journal lists
  • Going on courses
  • Development of environment where learner is able to own prejudices
  • Audit!
  • Assessment of tutorials
  • Portfolio of learning

Group 6

  • Confidence building. Empower registrar
  • Treat registrar as equal
  • Surprise random case analysis
  • Role play
  • Involvement in partnership meetings
  • Allocating a nursing home for the registrar to take responsibility for
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