Formative Assessment

As a minimum, the following formative assessments should be documented in each GP registrar’s file. The file should also demonstrate that the educational programme is based upon the results of the assessments.

  1. Initial assessment
    During the first month of each period of training in general practice GP registrars should complete a confidence rating and an MCQ.
  2. Regular assessment
    Videotape assessment or joint consulting using a recognised assessment instrument should be completed at least monthly throughout the general practice component of training.
  3. Rating scales
    A rating scale should be completed at least once during each period of training in general practice.

Examples of assessment instruments (not exclusive):

Rating Scales:


  • ‘PEP’ programme (which includes both an MCQ and a confidence rating scale)
  • Northern Regional MCQ (available from theTees Valley VTS Office, telephone no: 01642 304151)

Video assessment:

Confidence Ratings:

  • Wolverhampton Rating Scale
  • PEP
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