The inner curriculum & Maslow


  • Timetable, protected time
  • Own room, desk, equipment
  • Working knowledge of prescriptions, certificates, forms
  • Local geography, medical facilities, services, telephone nos
  • Knowledge of surgery arrangements, names of staff
  • Free from non-professional worries eg money, health, personal


  • Availability of trainer’s help and support
  • Able and willing to ask for help
  • Availability of books and information resources
  • Competent in dealing with urgent and straightforward physical illness
  • Basic clinical knowledge and skills


  • Accepted by and contributes to PHCT
  • Involves other team members appropriately
  • Accepted by and contributes to PHCT
  • Involves other team members appropriately
  • Accepted by and contributes to PHCT
  • Involves other team members appropriately
  • Accepted by and contributes to PHCT
  • Involves other team members appropriately
  • Willingness to take responsibility: can “hold” situations
  • Makes and manages psychological and social diagnoses
  • Recognises and rectifies clinical blind-spots
  • Deals competently with minor illness and atypical presentations
  • Bonding with trainer


  • Hungry for new ideas and experiences
  • Aware of and willing to address own needs and motivations
  • Interested in “softer” topics eg hidden agendas, consultation skills, doctor/patient relationship
  • Can accept criticism and praise
  • Attracts a personal following of patients
  • Confidence not dependent on trainer’s approval


  • Feels comfortable with, not oppressed by trainee role
  • Can use “self” in consultations – Balint-wise
  • Comfortable balance between private and professional life
  • Not addicted to an idealised “doctor” role
  • Tolerates inadequacy, uncertainty and occasional failure
  • Negotiates and organises own educational programme
  • Takes pride in keeping clinically well-informed and up-to-date
  • Knows own strengths and limitations
  • Can advise, challenge and constructively criticise trainer
  • Aware of transference issues in trainer/trainee relationship


  • Takes responsibility for own continuing education
  • Successfully negotiates transition from trainee to principal
  • Finds and maintains ways to enhance job satisfaction
  • Discovers, chooses and pursues own interests
  • Sense of overall purpose, worth and direction

Source: Roger Neighbour: The Inner Consultation and The Inner Apprentice:


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