- Exposition:
Explaining, describing and narrating - Questioning:
- Distributing and directing questions; probing (follow up) and prompting questions;
- Recall questions; Clarifying, analytic, creative and evaluative questions;
- Styles of questioning
- Listening: Identifying main points; Identifying links to other aspects of topics; Identifying implications and identifying flaws
- Reinforcing: Praise; encouragement; neutrality; silence and discouragement
- Reacting: Echoing statements made, paraphrasing using trainee’s ideas to build on;
- Evaluating the trainee’s ideas;
- Raising problems that arise from those ideas;
- Moving the discussion on
- Summarising:
- Summarising main views, processes used or points made;
- Pointing to the links within the discussion and between the topic discussed and other topics
- Preparing:
- Identifying crucial questions, useful problems or cases; (content)
- Specifying aims of the session;
- Choosing appropriate method;
- Assessing approaches(es) used
- Preparing trainee to discuss;
- Pre-session preparation; (trainee)
- Providing practice in discussion
- Group process:
- Identifying patterns of interaction;
- Interring feelings and attitudes from observable behaviour – assessing those inferences;
- Identifying shifts in perception, attitudes and feelings;
- Identifying and modifying trainee and group norms
- Leadership:
- Creating and maintaining the relationship;
- Choosing appropriate skills and strategies