Medline searching

Search strategy

  • Compose your question
  • Analyse the elements of your question. Use themethodological filter grid to help this.
    • problem type: most questions are one of 4 categories
    • intervention or exposure
    • condition
    • outcome
    • patient group: age range , sex
    • publication date and language
    • publication type eg: clinical trial, review
  • Search Ovid Medline on individual headings and keywords separately. Explode (exp) will produce everything below the heading. Focus (*) will pick only the major articles.
    • Search by
          • keyword: searches database for the exact words used by you but relied on author using the same words. Useful for
                • a very specific topic
                • to try out diffrent forms of words
                • new concepts
          • author
          • subject: based on MESH headings – articles consistently indexed according to content, not words used by author. Each article is indexed as far down the tree as possible ie: each article will not appear under the generic heading. Can
                • broaden or narrow search
                • add subheadings todefine more precisely
    • Add limits
          • age
          • sex
          • publication type
          • date
          • language
  • Combine the searches using boolean operatives AND and OR.

Medline searching

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