Consultation Videotape Assessment by Cox

Northern Regional Videotape Assessment Instrument by Cox

The thirty seven attributes listed in this assessment instrument can be categorised into 5 main general areas. There are as follows:-

  1. Attitudes
  2. Patient centredness
  3. Clinical skills
  4. Efficiency
  5. Patient satisfaction

For the purpose of formative assessment, the content of the instrument can be subdivided into five areas:

  1. Doctor’s attitudes
  2. Patient-centredness
  3. Clinical skills
  4. Efficiency
  5. Patient satisfaction.

Doctor’s attitudes

2. The doctor is relaxed/tolerant
4. The doctor smiles/is warm/friendly/pleasant/touches the patient when appropriate
6. The doctor is discreet/respects confidentiality
9. The doctor is humble/approachable/flexible/treats the patient as an equal
10. The doctor is honest
17. The doctor is courteous
20. The doctor is reassuring/encouraging/decisive/inspires confidence
29. The doctor is caring/kind

Patient centredness

1. There is eye contact between doctor and patient most of the time
3. The patient is involved in decision making
5. The doctor explains diagnosis/management/side effects of treatment
15. The doctor answers questions
22. The doctor explores patient’s ideas/concerns/expectations
25. The doctor is empathetic
26. The patient understands the doctor
27. The doctor listens to the patient/looks interested
30.  The doctor picks us cues/clues/body language/hidden agenda
36. The doctor does not interrupt the patient

Clinical skills

7. The doctor makes an appropriate physical examination when necessary
8. The doctor is knowledgeable/up to date
11. The doctor’s diagnosis and management appear to be sensible/safe/helpful/correct/considers alternatives
12. The doctor arranges appropriate follow up
13. The doctor prescribes appropriately
16. The doctor considers patient and family history/background
19. The doctor allows patient opportunity to discuss other problems
21. The doctor ends the consultation well
23. The doctor enquires about and manages continuing problems
24. If necessary, the doctor undertakes appropriate investigations/X-rays etc.
31. The doctor gives appropriate advice
33. If necessary, the doctor makes an appropriate referral (within or without the practice)
37. The doctor takes an adequate and appropriate history from the patient


14. The doctor uses time efficiently
28. The doctor’s approach is thorough
32. The doctor allows time for the patient
35. The consultation is logical/well organised

Patient satisfaction

18. Allowing for the nature of the consultation, the patient appears satisfied at the end
34. Allowing for the nature of the consultation, the patient appears to be as relaxed/at ease as possible
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