What makes a good PDP?

Suggested criteria for PDP

  • Some up to date assessment of your preferred learning style has been made.
  • Some assessment of learning needs has taken place.
  • To include:
        • Identified personal learning priorities
        • Practice priorities (from PPDP/business plan)
        • Local priorities in the area (such as Himp priorities)
        • National health priorities (such as NSFs)
  • There has been some attempt to prioritise your learning needs.
  • Learning methods have been used which relate to the context of the learning and your preferred learning style.
  • There is clear documentation of learning events and the outcomes of these learning events.
  • There is some attempt to evaluate the learning that has taken place and apply it to your work.
  • The PDP demonstrates an approach that focuses on improving patient care.
  • The PDP and documentation credibly demonstrate a minimum of 30 hrs work.
  • Other criteria are chosen by the practitioner.

Looking at the previous plan

  • Have the educational activities met the needs outlined in the original plan?
  • If no, have the reasons for this been identified and are they justifiable?
  • Have 30 hours of educational activity taken place?
  • Is there evidence of evaluation activity taken place?
  • Is there evidence of evaluation, e.g.. audit, service development protocols etc?

Looking at the developed plan

  • Does the Plan show evidence of refection and assessment of education needs?
  • Does the planned education meet these needs?
  • Is there a balance of topics covered?
  • Is the plan likely to provide 30 hours of educational activity over the year?
  • Is there any planned evaluation?

Suggested criteria for PDP

Looking at the PDP

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