The appraisal interview – notes for the appraiser

Before the interview

  • The appraisal documentation – does it make sense?
  • Agree on the agenda before the interview
  • Identify relevant/sensitive issues
  • Anticipate areas that the appraisee will raise and some strategies to focus on
  • Prepare some (awareness-raising) questions – this is where the reflection occurs
  • Arrange protected time and privacy

The form 3

  • Health and probity issues are the responsibility of the appraisee – in essence, the appraisee can just confirm that they are ok. In practice, however, there may be some issues to explore, such as
        • health
              • stress and its consequences
        • probity
              • drug reps
              • bp recording
  • What’s there – but, more importantly, what is missing

The strategy

  • Where have you been?
  • Where are you now?
  • Where do you want to go?
  • How are you going to get there?
  • What do you need to do this?

Some questions to consider during the interview

Use the information given in form 3 to develop a context…

  • Tell me what you think you have done well? (reflecting on achievements)
  • What do you enjoy doing?
  • How did you choose what to put into the documentation?
  • What evidence do you feel most confident in?
  • I feel you…
  • Different people have different views. What are yours?
  • What difficulties do you see?
  • How are you going to develop this?
  • Do you get an opportunity to reflect on your practice? what do you reflect on?
  • Blue sky thinking?
  • I was wondering, perhaps…
  • What do you want to improve/develop?

The process of the interview

  • Have you defined some needs form the form 3 documentation?
  • Starting with putting the appraisee at ease – it really is a privilege to be involved in this process
  • What is the appraisees understanding of the process of the appraisal?
  • You could
        1. go through section 1,2 3, etc, or…
        2. ask the appraisee what his/her agenda is, and start with that. This might allow you to spend most of the time on the most important issues i.e. setting an agenda. Are there similarities with the Calgary Cambridge model?
  • Some skills
        • Defining the agenda – what are the problems faced?
        • Open questioning
        • Active listening
  • Is the interview remaining learner-centred?
  • Search for the positive and celebrate it!

During the interview, think about…

  • Pacing – are you going at the appraises speed? Is this appropriate?
  • The relevance of your discussion
  • Are you being objective?
  • Are you being non-judgemental?
  • Who is doing all the talking?
  • Who is doing all the work? If it is you, why?
  • Is there evidence that the appraisee is learning from the incidents presented within this process?
  • Evidence of teamwork?
  • Focussing down on evidence – this makes the appraisal robust
  • Focussing down on specifics

Common areas to consider

  • Time management
  • Stress
  • Being aware of your learning needs
  • How to find out what you don’t know
  • Is it necessary to know everything?
  • Being perfect
  • Taking responsibility
  • Letting go
  • Delegation

The outcome – turning needs into action

  • Writing the form 4
        • Summarise the discussion
        • Confirm the relevant information in form 3
        • Confirm the evidence seen
        • Develop some joint conclusions together based on the discussion and the developmental needs that have been identified from this
        • Develop an agreed action plan
  • Developing a plan with the appraisee (the PDP)
        • The specifics of the appraises learning need
        • How is that need going to be realised?
        • How is the achievement of the outcome going to be measured?
  • Ensuring a positive finish
  • Seeking feedback on the process
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