still going strong... as an archive

This site is now an archive of medical educational material, mainly but not exclusively related to GP training and postgraduate medical education. The information on the site will, however, remain here for the use of the medical education community.

An educational resource for GPs, GP trainers and doctors in specialty training for general practice, at one time, the most extensive in the world. Contributions from world renowned primary care educators throughout the site. 

Dr. Ramesh Mehay (Bradford)
Check out my other site of great medical educational resources:   Click on “Teaching & Learning” or “Clinical Specialties”

Welcome To

This website broadly covers three main areas for doctors and other health professionals in primary care.  These are detailed below.   However, much of this information will be immensely useful for other health care professionals too – like medical students, nurses, advanced practitioners, associate physicians and more!

the three broad areas
  1. Training Resources – not only for trainees and students, but for medical educators to use too.  
  2. CPD Resources – every health professional has to engage in Continuing Professional Development.  Medicine is constantly in a stage of change and we must ensure we keep ourselves up-to-date by not just updating our clinical knowledge but developing newer skills.   This website contains a whole host of tools that may help you with things like Appraisal.
  3. Information Technology – Information technology keeps advancing rapidly.    There is a wealth of material on this site to help you.  However, because this is a rapidly expanding area, please remember that some of the material may be out of date whilst others might still be relevant and useful.

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